10 Facts About the Benefits of Exercising

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Do you want to be smarter in your office? Free from fatigue at home? Able to spend quality time with your family? Getting a lower stress level? All these wishes can be fulfilled through exercise.

That's what experts say about the benefits of exercise. In short, exercising is not just to tighten muscles and improve your stamina. There are many other benefits such as the psychological effects caused by it, and this proves that exercise has multiple benefits. The following facts show the truth of the benefits of exercise; and hopefully by presenting these facts we will realize that there is no reason for you not to exercise.

1. Exercising Will Increase Your Brain Capacity

"Exercising increases energy and increases serotonin in the brain," says David Atkinson, director of the Cooper Venture Development Program, a division of the Cooper Aerobic Center in Dallas, USA. Serotonin is a hormone in the brain that acts as a modulator of brain work capacity that includes regulators of emotional stability, understanding and appetite. So people who do enough exercise will find their productivity improving. One's productivity means not only that person can provide good quality work, but he can also contribute to a happy working atmosphere in the workplace.

2. Moving Your Body Helps Melt Your Stress

Exercising provides a good relaxation effect for everyone. That's why when someone starts practicing, he will soon discover that it will reduce stress and make him a happier person. Atkinson says that when a person is happy, the effect does not only benefit the person himself. This condition causes the person to become irritable, thus, improving the quality of relationships with colleagues, family and others.

3. Exercise will provide Energy

Exercising, even for just 30 minutes a day, can change a person's day from morning to night. When endorphins are released into the blood during exercise, a person will feel more energetic throughout the day. Endorphins are chemical compounds in our brain that can make the brain relax.

Atkinson had a complaint from a client who said he was tired after practicing. Atkinson explained that fatigue usually occurs in the first few sessions of post-exercise because the body is not used to it. After that, fatigue will disappear by itself.

4. Not Hard To Find Time For Exercise

Many people think that they do not have time to exercise. Then, not having certain equipment such as a pair of sports shoes becomes a barrier. Actually, Atkinson states, exercising can start from a simple thought, "Thinking we killed two birds with one stone." That means you actually do two things or get two benefits by doing one activity.

You can start by asking your kids to play with their bikes in the park. You can see it while exercising at the same time. If one day you need to have a meeting with someone, you can choose a place that has a jogging track, a park, a swimming pool or other facilities that can be used for exercise. You can even exercise while doing chores. The important thing is to move your body.

5. Exercising will Foster Relationships

Exercising improves your relationship with others. If it is done with family, you will feel closer to them. This also applies if you exercise together with your friends. In addition, it is possible that you get new friends through exercise. In addition, people who try to lose weight, really need the support of friends to succeed.

6. Exercising Will Fight Disease

Research shows that exercise can slow down and prevent heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, osteoporosis and many other diseases. Exercising can even slow the aging process and also boost the immune system. By having a better immune system, at least you can reduce the possibility of flu and other common diseases.

7. Exercising Will Pump Your Heart Better

Exercising makes your heart strong. Heart function and cardiovascular system work more effectively, and this can reduce the plaque in the blood vessels (which can narrow the blood flow), so the heart will pump blood better. "If your heart becomes stronger, each pump will deliver a large amount of blood and this can slow your heart rate," says Todd A. Astorino of California State University-San Marcos.

8. Exercising Will Fix Your Diet

Muscles burn more calories than body fat when you are resting. Thus, the more muscle we have, the better our metabolism is. Of course burning calories does not only happen when you are in a state of rest, but when exercising as well. With a good metabolic rate, a person can have a healthy diet. As long as not too much, every favorite food can be consumed.

9. Exercise Increase Your Stamina

After several weeks of consistently done, a person can feel the difference in his body. Muscles have been developed and these developments can be felt when he is doing tennis, golf, basketball or other sports that require muscle strength. At that time the added strength coming from the muscles can be felt, Atkinson said.

In addition, the muscles will be able to work more efficiently, more quickly react and their endurance will also increase.

10. Weight Loss Is Not The Main Purpose

Exercising does ruin a few pounds from your body, but the benefits of exercising are not just to prevent overweight. Using exercise just as a tool to lose weight will not be a powerful motivator for a person to succeed. This happens because people are usually impatient and want to see the results in an instant. Weight loss through exercise can not be done in a short time.

That is why motivation in exercise is not recommended for weight loss. There are many more exciting destinations like experiencing a better life, having more energy, reducing stress etc. Therefore, take time to exercise no matter how busy you are. Remember the saying: "In a healthy body lives a strong soul".

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