History Run

Running history is not written authentically since when humans run as a feat or for fitness. Since humans exist, in fact have been able to walk and run, but not recorded as a sports achievement to know the fastest and strongest.

There is a version that says it started from the Greek people who were engulfed by wars between the Greeks and the Persians in the Greek island of Marathonas Island. The Persians suffered defeat and the warlord-winning Greek forces ordered one of his troops to carry a message. The messenger ran to Athens for 40.8 km (25.4 miles) a day to announce his victory when he got to the city, shouting that he finally fainted and died.

To commemorate the victory of the war and to honor the messenger then several periods held a race run and progressed into a sport of modern achievement and split into various branches run. It is said that the first marathon-run sport was contested in the Olympics held in the city of Athens won by Eucles and in the next race won by Philippides. After experiencing various events and times, this race turned into the Olympics and in the next period got the epithet of the modern Olympics. This sport also developed into several branches that are divided in certain mileage.

Currently the development is more rapid again and tend to be combined with other sports such as running hurdles, triathlon, pentathlon, heptathlon, decathlon.
Running is not just for achievements that are developed and combined with other sports, but non-achievement sports (for fitness) are also evolving in combination with other human activities. One day there will be a non-achievement sports club to be a lifestyle trend such as bike to work club or body building club.

In the development of the sports branch run divided into

  • Short Run (Sprint)

split again into 50m, 55m, 60m, 100m, 150m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 500m

  • Medium Distance (Middle Distance)

divided by 800m, 1500m, 3000m.

  • Long Distance

divided into 5,000m, 10,000m, half marathon, and marathon.

  • Run the Relay

4 x 100m relay, 4 x 400 m relay, 4 x 200 m relay, 4 x 800 m relay,
etc. Some events, such as the medley relay are rarely held except the relay


Running fast or sprints are all running races where participants run at maximum speeds along the distance to be traveled, between 50 m up to 400 m distance.
The athletic number of short distance runs is called sprint race. Therefore, runners athletic numbers running short distances are often called sprinters.
This run is known as sprint. Named sprint because this sport relies on muscle speed, especially in leg muscles to work with full power or full speed.
To run a short distance itself has several numbers that are usually competed. The usual distance is divided into five types. Namely for a distance of 50 meters, 60 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters. But at this time the most frequently contested at various official championship event is only the last three numbers only. While for the number 50 and 60 meters, usually only used for amateur races only.

1. Sprint Technique


ala start:

1 = Willing
2 = Ready
3 = Yes

a) Starting Position.

Now just use medium start (beginning of the medium), that is on the command "willing" then:
× The front finger is 45cm behind the starting line.
× Rear finger back again 20cm.
× Both arms perpendicular behind the starting line, 5m view ahead of the starting line. On the cue the back of the knee is rising, the butt is taller than the head, and the head goes far.

b) Position "siaaap".
               This "strait" position is of fundamental importance that an athlete receives a poster in a "siaaap" start position which guarantees an optimum angle of each leg to push it, a suitable position of center of gravity when the leg is straightened and the initial grip of the muscles is required for a explosive contraction of the leg muscles.
The main signs of an optimum power "siaaap" position are;
1. Weight is distributed in balance,
2. The hip shaft is higher than the shoulder shaft,
3. The center of gravity forward,
4. 900 knee angle on the front leg,
Knee angle 1200 on the hind legs,
6. straightened leg pressing start block.

c). Position (cue) "yes".
               The thrust of the legs and feet in the start can be analyzed by Using a power-assisted board buffered at the start of the block. When the legs press on the board at startup, the impulse can be channeled to and displayed on a dynamo-meter. the force of impulse direction and duration, also timings of the impulse of each foot can be recorded.

d) Sprinting Action.
Movement of the foot as fast as possible, every time you have to press the ground until the knee is straight, the front foot rises to the maximum. The body is leaning forward, hand movement as fast as possible, the angle at the elbow of the hand is always a pointed angle, although at the time of the hand behind, only here the body leaning slightly forward ± 25 º.

e). Finish Action
There are three ways through the finish, namely:
• Run straight without change.
• Ambyuk, forward chest, back hand.
• The chest is turned until one shoulder is forward.

2. Disqualified
• Start before the signal twice.
• Disrupt other runners during running.
• Enter another path to make a profit.
• Not until finish.


Medium distance running (800 m, 1500 m, 3000 m) is slightly different from running
short distance (sprint). The difference is mainly in the way the foot treads.
In medium-run running, the foot treads on the heel of the foot and refuses with the toe.

a. Medium run techniques
1) Start
    The common start technique used by middle distance runners is start up, except on a run of 800 meters distance that uses a squat start.
How to start start as follows.
 a) Beginning attitude
     At the time of the "willing" command, the runner comes forward by placing one of his legs behind the starting line (left leg) with the knee slightly bent, the other leg (right leg) behind straight. Body leaning forward, weight is on the left leg. Both arms hung limply with slightly bent elbows near the body.
Foresight with the neck in a state of weakness.
b) Implementation
    At the time of the "yes" command or when the race hears a gun start, then the runner
run as fast as possible by refusing and stepping right foot forward, along with
swinging left hand forward and right hand to back.

2) Running technique
    The movement of the medium distance running technique is essentially the same or almost the same as the short distance running technique. However, at medium distance running requires runners able to run faster and longer.
Medium range running technique:
a) At the moment will set foot on the ground or track, starting from the tip of the foot to the heel and continue to refuse again with the toe.
b) Knee lifted not too high or lower when compared with short distance run.
c) The arm movement is lighter, meaning not as strong as the short run.
d) The arm is moved or swung starting from the shoulder, with slight slight sideways movement from the shoulder.
e) The body is slightly leaning forward between 10-15o from the vertical line, but not rigid (relax).

c) Techniques cross the finish line
    The technique of crossing the finish line on the middle range run is the same as running a short distance. Understanding and mastery of movement techniques across the finish line is important for every runner. The goal is to keep when on entering the finish line there are several runners simultaneously.

Long-distance run (Marathon) is an athletic branch that runs long distances along 42.195 meters (26 miles and 385 yards).
a) Distance Engineering Techniques or Strategies
1. Prepare to start using one count (1). Standing attitude stepped toward the direction of movement. Both knees are lowered and foresight. Ready

2. Moving the weight on the front leg on a count of 2 (two). Weight taken to
   front, both arms are ready like a running motion.
3. Sweep your back leg forward and turn your front foot, on a count of three.
    Swing your back leg forward with your knees bent and your forefoot refusing to ground.
b) Basic technique of strat, run and finish with finish motion
1. Standing facing the direction of movement.
When the cue "hop" runs forward, both arms are swung forward and one foot is stepped forward.
2. Undertake basic strat, run and finish techniques with finish motion beginning from stepping position:
On the cue of "hop" step forward the back foot and then continue to run towards the line in front, to pass (finish). People who have already returned to the back row (in groups).
3. Do medium range moves.
When the cue "hop" runs forward, both arms are swung forward and one foot is stepped forward.
4) Running or running relay
Running or running relay is one of the running races in the athletic race that is held alternately or beranting. This run is done continuously and takes turns bringing the stick from the starting line to the finish line.
In one jogging team there were four runners. On the run number there is a specificity that will not be encountered in another runner's number, ie moving the baton while running fast from the previous runner to the next runner.

The start used in the run is for the first runner using the squat start. As for the second runner, third, and runner the fourth use start float.

The running distance that is often competed in athletics for both sons and daughters is 4 x 100 meters or 4 x 400 meters. In running the connect is not the only technique required but the provision and acceptance of the stick in the zone or area of ​​change and adjustment of distance and speed of each runner.

How to hold the baton should be done correctly. Holding a stick can be done by being held by the left or right hand. Half a part of the stick is held by the stick giver. And the other end will be held by the next recipient of the baton. And for the first runner, the baton must be held behind the starting line and not 

  • Relay Overloading Technique

    The relay race recognizes two ways of changing the stick, which are:
a. Receipt technique stick by seeing (visual)
     The runner who receives the baton does it by running while turning his head to see the stick given by the previous runner. Receipt of a cane by sight is usually done at 4 x 400 meters.
b. Receipt technique stick by not seeing (non visual)
    The runner who receives the baton does it by running without looking at the stick that will be received. How to receive a stick without seeing is usually used in a 4 x 100 meter relay.

The relay race recognizes two ways of giving and receiving sticks, namely:
a. Technique of giving and receiving the baton from below
    This technique is done by running the runner carrying a stick with his left hand. Running the athlete will give the stick with your left hand. When going to give the stick, swing the rod from back to back through the bottom. Meanwhile, the receiver's hand is ready behind with palms facing down. The thumb is wide open, while the other fingers are tightened.
b. The technique of giving and receiving the baton from above
    This technique is done by swinging the hand from back to front, then immediately put the stick from the top on the receiver's palm. The runner who will receive the stick swings the hand from front to back with palms facing up. The thumb is wide open and the other fingers tightly.
There is a way to do in a relay race so that the baton does not fall when given to another participant. That is, the runner holding the relay baton holds the relay baton with his left hand and gives it also with his left hand. While the receiver of the stick prepares to receive the stick with the right hand.

  • Things to Look For in a Relay Run

a. Giving a stick should be crossed, ie runners 1 and 3 holding a stick on the right hand, while runners 2 and 4 receive or hold the stick with the left hand or vice versa.
b. The placement of runners should be tailored to the features of each runner. For example, runners 1 and 3 are selected really well in the corner. Runners 2 and 4 are good runners.
c. The distance of the 2, 3, and 4 runners should be properly measured.
d. After giving the baton relay do not get out of their respective tracks.
8. Rules of the Race
    The race rules in the relay race, as follows:
a. The length of the relay baton is 20 meters and for the 4x100 meters relay runners plus 10 meters of prazona. Prazona is an area where runners who will depart can speed up the run, but here there is no change of sticks.
b. Every runner must stay on his tracks despite giving his staff to the next runner. When a stick drops, the runner who drops it must take it.
c. In the relay race, the first runner runs on his or her respective tracks until the first corner, then can enter the inner track, the third runner and the fourth runner waiting in successive substitutions according to the arrival of the runners.

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