Rules in the Latest Volley Ball Games

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GOLD BALL GOLD RULES - In volleyball, there are some rules you should know. Of course, this will increase your insight, and train you to become a professional player.

rules in volleyball games

In the rules of the international standard volleyball game there must be an organization that makes benchmarks a standard in decision making.

Volleyball sport watched by FIVB (Federation Internationale De Volleyball) is the parent organization of international volleyball sport, while in Indonesia volleyball sport is shaded by PBVSI (Volleyball Association of All Indonesia).

Here are some rules of volleyball game you should know.

11 Rules of the Ball Volleyball Game

1. Volleyball Field
Volleyball Game

For field problems on the game of volley ball that is rectangular with the size is 9 m width, 18 m long, 5 cm wide line.

2. Net Net

  • Length: 9.5 meters
  • Width: 1.00 meters
  • The width of the net eye: 10 centimeters
  • At the top of the net there should be a white band that is 5 centimeters wide

High net jarring on men's volley: 2.43 meters
Net height on puti volley: 2, 24 meters
On both edges of the net should be installed an antenna that is located straight above the field line.

The color of the antenna should be spotted contrasting the black white for example. The antenna length is 1.80 meters. The antenna is made of an elastic material with a diameter of 1 centimeter.

3. Ball
game volleyball in indonesia

Diameter of volley ball: 65 cm - 67 cm
Weight: 250 - 280 grams
Air pressure: 0.48 kg / cm2 - 0.52 kg / cm2
Number of lines: 12 - 18 lines
Volley soft leather or other similar material, the shape of the ball should be a perfect ball and the inside material is made of rubber. The color of the ball must be bright eg white color.

4. Completeness of players
Volleyball players should wear sportswear with back and chest numbers, wear shorts and wear sports shoes.

5. Number of volleyball players
The number of players in a team or squad on the volley ball is 6 people with a lot of spare players are also six people.

6. Shifting a game
In a volleyball game the player's area shift must be clockwise. When one of the service recipients wins the game, then all players are given the right to move the position of the way it shifts towards the clock.

For example position three serves, then position 1 shifts to position 2.

7. Old Volley Ball Games
Long volleyball game based on the number of points in a set. In this point rally system the number of points to be in can is 15 points.

Unless there is a deuce of 14:14, it is possible or 24 - 24.

To win one game volleyball can be Two straight sets of victory and Three straight sets victory

8. The leader of the volleyball game
A referee leads the game and four linemen and one as a scorekeeper.

9. Technical Rules for Volleyball Games
Each team is given the right to play the ball as much as possible 3 times.

A player can not play more than one ball in a row
A service-winning team if winning a game is entitled to one additional point.

Conversely, if it can not return the ball then points to the opponent.

Live ball means starting to hit the ball serve until the ball touches the ground.

When the ball service must be better boosted first. The ball is declared in if the ball falls within the field line area or the ball falls right on the field line.

10. The libero system
volleyball player position

It is a system in a game where every first ball is represented by a player who is believed to be a libero.

11. Violation in game volleyball

  • Players intentionally or unintentionally touch net net by hand.
  • The player is not declared a violation if his limbs other than the hand touch the net by accident. For example, when the blocking dadaatau back accidentally touch the net.
  • Both feet enter into the opponent's area.
  • In players who are blocking both hands or one hand too enter the opposite area.
  • Speaking rudely or swearing at the referee or judge.
  • Referee referee and assistant referee.
  • Receive directions and directions from off the field during the game.
  • Players affect the referee.
  • Leaving the player field is not permitted.

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