7 The Right Butterfly Style Pool Technique

Butterfly strokes or butterfly styles on the pool are one of 4 styles or swimming techniques that are contested in the Olympics. Being one of the popular swimming style techniques, usually this style is also called the style of dolphins. So called because this butterfly style moves similar to the dolphins.

To be able to perform the movement properly, swimmers, especially beginners need to do the exercises from the basics. In addition to the backstroke swimming technique, butterfly style is a technique that is also just as popular and the following below can be seen and practiced how the steps in doing the movement. Explanation of the butterfly pool technique can be listened to as follows.

1. Start Technique
When using the butterfly style technique while swimming, we need to start correctly. And to do so, the starting position needs to swim do just above the start beam. Bend your body right into the water where the knee part also needs to be slightly bent. Start will be done perfectly when the position of the body and movement is done exactly.

2. Right Body Position
Posisi Tubuh yang Benar

Right Body Position In the butterfly pool, techniques also include the correct body position. The reason why the position of the body is very important is because the perfection of movement is determined by it. When performing a movement, try to position the body as flat as possible to offset the water level.

It does not matter if our efforts will occur vertical up and down movement when practicing. Also make sure the up and down movement is adjusted also with the rhythm of the foot that we stomped at the same time. Meanwhile, clear on this style movement technique, the body needs to be in a floating position.

When floating, the position of the body should be facedown and make sure also the position is almost parallel under the water surface. Keep the position starting from the head, shoulders, to the waist and legs. As for the sleeve, both can be positioned above the head and water lines above the eyebrows. Arrange the body position as flat as possible with water to lower the risk of obstacles.

  • Legs section. Especially on the legs, when the beat, should not be made not hit the leg too deep. If the blow is made too deep, then usually adding pressure to the front. Perform the leg kick by first bending both legs at the knee joint, then straighten again more strongly.
  • Head section - After the legs, the head position should be right where the head can be slightly raised until the mouth is above the water surface and able to take breath easily. When it has taken a breath, the head must be subdued again put in the water while maintaining balance and flat position of the body on the surface of the water.

3. Arm Movement Technique

Teknik Gerakan Lengan

Arm Movement Technique In the butterfly style technique, arm movement must be performed simultaneously between the left and right arm. Of course to start it, we can put the arms first both into the water to be then followed by the correct movement as below:

  • Catch / Catch - When the body has entered the water and the arm is also entered, move the arm to the outside followed by a motion like a catch. Perform the movement in the same time as the first downward whipping movement.
  • Down Sweep / Gained - When the capture movement has been done, then the next movement that needs to be done is grabbing motion. In the process, we can move the wrists along with the elbows that have been slightly bent beneath and removed from the water and then reach for water.
  • In-sweep / Attract - Only then, we still need to continue with the interesting technique. In this movement, be sure to pull the hand in and also backward under the head that is near the body.
  • Up-sweep / Encourage - In addition, there is also a push movement where we need to do it at the end of an exciting movement. The trick is to push the arm toward the back and then proceed to remove it again from the water.
  • Recovery / Recovery - In this movement, the swimmer needs to do so after making a push motion. For the way, the swimmer can lift the elbows up to the surface of the water. Continue with the twisting motion of the shoulder joint where the goal is as a forward arm shift.

4. Foot Movement Technique

Teknik Gerakan Lengan

Arm Movement Techniques In addition to arm movements, of course if you want to become a professional swimmer we need to learn and train foot movements. Techniques in moving the legs are also needed in order to perform well and perfect performance. Basically, the movement of the legs to the butterfly's style is quite fairly similar to the freestyle swimming technique; the difference only lies in the movement in the freestyle is done alternately, while the movement of butterfly legs performed simultaneously.

To study the movement of the foot, what is important to note here is that leg motion is very important. The movement of the limbs here means the focus of the movements that the swimmers do with the lashes of the feet either upward or downward in a balanced manner. So, there are 2 types of lashes, namely the movement of the foot up and down also.

For upward lashes, this is also called recovery motion where the feet are moved up to the surface of the pond water and the lashes need to swim do 2 times in 1 arm round. As for the whip down can swimmers start with a waistline while straightening knees and legs are both whipped down quickly.

Remember that the flexural joints on the ankle as well as the joints on the knee will be very decisive for the downward lash result. Here are some steps that might be an illustration for performing the correct foot movement technique:

  • Try to keep the legs straight, starting from the base of the foot to the toe.
  • Foot movement can be done with the knees bent first but also not too bent or bent. Bend knees made just a little.
  • Perform a kicking motion with the legs where the original bent leg can be straightened again. The process of straightening the legs can be done hard, especially in the area of the foot.
  • After the leg is kicked or in a padded downward position, straighten back. Return to the starting position after doing so.

5. Breathing Technique

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Breathing Technique There are also breathing techniques after practicing self-performing arm and foot movements. The process of taking a breath in the butterfly style when swimming can be done quite easily though it is not as easy and as comfortable as breathing movements in the back style. Simply lift your head upward to get out of the water surface to take a breath, but the head should not be lifted too up in the process.

In the technique of lifting the butterfly style head, do at each end of the pull. When you take a breath, try to keep your head slightly raised to the surface of the water and after it has quickly lowered its head below the surface of the water. This needs to be done with the aim that the front prisoners are not so great. Use the nose to remove water right in the water.

6. Coordination Motion Technique

Teknik Gerakan Koordinasi

Coordination Motion Technique Coordination technique is not only found in backstroke movement, because in the movement of butterfly style also required a coordination technique that combines all techniques. Simultaneous foot, arm and breathing movements are called motion coordination techniques in which the technique is also important to be trained so that the whole movement is balanced and precise.

Foot plus arm movement needs to be done accordingly, especially as the body moves up and down on the water surface. There should be 2 times of both hard and weak legs on 1 arm round. When the movement of the foot pushes, then do it weakly, whereas when making a leg kick, this needs to be done hard.

7. Reversing Technique

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Reversing Techniques Reversing techniques are not only found in backstroke movements, butterfly styles require a reversing technique. For the reversing movement, the rules are known to be similar to the chest pool. The position of the hand at the beginning is on the wall of the pool and after the hands touch the wall together, then the body can be moved upside down.

The second part of the bent legs as well as our buttocks can be turned to the side and hands can be released one by one and straightened up to the face while doing moves as hard as possible on the wall. From the movement, the body can then slide forward with a straight posture and near the surface of the water where the feet can be moved more than 1 times.

Some exercises are also needed to make joint flexibility, especially the ankle and waist. Not only the part, be sure also to train leg movement well for the results and movement performance can be more perfect. Exercising arm motion is also very important so that the butterfly's style looks so good.

That's a few steps butterfly swimming pool techniques that would help the candidate swimmers who want to learn. But it is true, the coordination of movement in this butterfly style takes longer to learn than other styles.

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